ab·surd (b-sûrd, -zûrd) adj.
1. Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable.
2. Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense
3. Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe.
N. The condition or state in which humans exist in a meaningless, irrational universe wherein people's lives have no purpose or meaning.
[Latin absurdus, out of tune, absurd : ab-, intensive pref.; see ab-1 + surdus, deaf, muffled.]
The most anticipated geek movie of all time...and its release date has been set backagain! Over at his blog, author Ernie Cline updates us on the new date: February 6, 2009. It was supposed to open this weekend.
Today, a friend of a friend, visiting from out of town, started telling me a story out of the blue...about how, when she was a young girl, she saw the most amazing thing: Donkey Baseball. A fundraiser in her little town. All these years later, this memory has stayed with her, vividly.
I smiled to myself, went to my friend's computer and hit Youtube. Two seconds later I called her over to see this:
I could research definitions of comedy and funny to write an essay on the topic...and still no one would agree with me.
As individuals, we all know what we like. Personally, I have a taste for the more complex British comedies. where funny stuff happens while life continues on, in all its wonderful complexities.
The Full Monty (1997) (warning: couldn't find the trailer, so the clip below is the sports-movie-style fabulous SPOILER ending -- go rent the movie if you haven't seen it, don't ruin it for yourself!!)
Now, according to my favourite movie news source (I let Gordon McAlpin sift through the movie geek news for me! And I follow his great webcomic Multiplex), Hollywood is doing a re-make of Death at a Funeral!! (Did you see the date on that film? A year old.)
Me (and all sane movie geeks): "What?! Was it not funny enough for you? Or could you not understand the foreign accent?"
"Oh, no. None of that. We just want to make it Chris Rock funny. All movies are better when we Americanize 'em."