Awhile back, about a year after I met my husband, I found myself wandering downtown Vancouver and (god forbid!) thinking like him...
"Vancouver does not truly have a poverty problem until the pigeons start disappearing," I thought to myself, staring at a park full of the things.
But then this came to my attention, the most wonderfully random bit of weather news that Canada has ever produced:
First she is a normal person, having a conversation, but then she...
...and no one comments?
Welcome to Canada.
caturday february 22nd 2025
12 hours ago
Holy crap.
I know. That about sums it up.
Maybe she was lonely¿
She's just so...matter-of-fact. "Must bring pidgeons..."
Did you hear about the guy who was stealing the swans from Stanley Park? They were vanishing one by one and the bird specialists were in a panic, they couldn't figure out what was taking them.
One day the lady who feeds the skunks saw this Chinese guy chasing one of the remaining swans with a green garbage bag. He caught the bird and stuffed it into the bag, which he stuffed in the back of his volvo. She blew her rape whistle until a cyclist came by and tackled the guy and held him to the ground until the cops got there.
The thief was all, "I'm running a restaurant, and they're just wild birds. I don't see the problem here!" The cop had to restrain the crowd from punching out his lights.
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