Monday, June 26, 2006

2 More Sleeps!!

I can barely contain my excitement.

Yes, it's going to be a lot of work to unpack everything. Yes, I have a lot to catch up on (wedding thank yous being the #1 priority). Yes, our monthly 'outgo' is going to be very close to our monthly income.


only two more sleeps!



Anonymous said...

But CAN you sleep, that's the question. A future of BBQ's on the deck, mowing lawns, and muttering about termites awaits you. You're leaving Bukowski behind and heading into Cheever country.

Anonymous said...

I decided to get you guys a house warming gift. I went shopping on Ebay and found a really cool thing. This thing was then purchased and soon arrived. The Wife, upon discovering said item, has declared that it is far too good for you. Therefore, I have been informed that I am keeping it.
Its similar to an "ugly vase" but different.
How about a nice bottle of some kind of spirits instead?


Lori said...

raincoaster -- I've never really lived Bukowski...reading him is just me searching for the Edge, whatever that may be. (You, on the other hand...)

IH -- consumables make great gifts, if a gift were necessary. We really don't need any more stuff! (so thank god for the Wife!)