...is transitory.
Since we've moved into our place, I've discovered a new joy: using the clothesline instead of the dryer. Not only is it cost-effective, it's good for the environment, it's a pleasant experience, and the clothes smell nice. My mom thinks I'm crazy -- but she's from a generation that had to use clotheslines...changes your perspective.
It's a phenomenon. Hand-made soap is a luxury item, hand-woven sweaters sell for hundreds of dollars...elements of lives past become the luxuries of today.
Or the necessities of tomorrow, if you live in Lebanon. Go over to Metro to get his (rather good, in my unbiased opinion) take. But don't forget to visit Ahmad's blog, with his daily updates (and links to other Lebanese bloggers).
caturday february 22nd 2025
20 hours ago
Most of the people here use clotheslines for drying. I don't know why, maybe to make use of the balconies. :)
Hope you enjoy the hand-made soap i gave you this morning:)
"elements of lives past become the luxuries of today."
To sit with a true friend and really appreciate the moment... that is you, that is Lori.
The inspiration to start a Blog
Ralph Lauren was apparently so taken with Cowichan sweaters that he contracted for hundreds of them under his own label, selling for, if memory serves, four hundred US dollars apiece. When they were delivered, he found them "too handmade-looking" and returned them.
I believe the band kept the money, though.
Ahmad -- just another example of how wasteful people are in North America: we use electric clothes dryers instead of clotheslines (okay, so it's an improvement on freeze-dried clothes in winter, but in summer?)
Thanks Elise -- talk to me before you start a blog, there are options!
raincoaster -- thank the gods the band kept the money! What did he expect?
Not all of us can use clotheslines, though. They are a choice; the difficulty starts when people think they're the ONLY choice.
Some people (like me) live in climates where things never dry. And some people live in areas where their washing would be stolen off the lines.
It's great to have options, but it's important to realize the ones we choose are not the only valid options.
Sorry, getting all metaphorical. Will stop now.
No apologies necessary, raincoaster. It's a good question. In your neck of the woods, you're right, clothes don't dry on a line. In the past, people did what? I think dried their clothes on racks in front of the fire...
(The stealing of your clothes off the line is another issue altogether...)
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