Folks, this is a guy I haven't heard from in years (before you all give me shit, yes, I did try to contact him...left messages with his mother even!) -- and from the sound of it, he's still the same sweetie I've known for mumble-mumble years. Prodigious, Samson-like strength of a liver, long Samson-like hair still un-shorn after all these years -- I can just picture the long, curly head banger hair, as always confusing the guys in bars.
Yes, I teased him about being 40-something with 20-something hair, but who knows what change would come over him if he cut his signature locks?
For me, it's the jeans & t-shirts I've worn since high school. Oh, the t-shirts have gotten nicer, and I sometimes wear dress(ier) pants, but it's time for me to change...this free spirit has landed the job with the Feds. I see suits in my future. What else will change?
Are we not all hanging on to something from our 20s that we just can't let go of?
And if you are stopping by, my Luddite Samson, let's not let another few years go by, okay?
Men who look good in long hair should NEVER cut it. Doesn't Lucius Malfoy look hawt? He's older than ME!
Okay, I'll grant you his hair looks great...but really, your taste is all in your mouth! ((squid mumble mumble Malfoy mumble))
You're a FED now? Ooops! [looking around making sure all herbs on view are culinary herbs!]
Oh, and congratulations from a guy with a ponytail AND a shiny pate.
Don't worry, Arch...I'm in Canada. I can't see that far. :p
I'm glad to see your Flikr page is back up. While going through it I got a small twinge of homesickness. I know its a bit odd, but one of the things from home that I miss is arbutus trees. I think that they cannot survive the winters here. I'm looking forward to seeing new pics and when I get a film scanner maybe I'll do the same.
Seriously, what's wrong with a little decorative evil?
Evil usually is decorative, gets more converts that way...
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