Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tools and Tasks

I've been in a bit of a frenzy lately, not actually doing anything mind you, more preparing to do.

You see, now that it's February, my life is going into overdrive. I've been cruising along in the slow lane for the past two months, watching the world move around me. It's now my turn.

The cat problem is continuing. The black cat is still peeing in corners, despite the Dettol and mothballs -- two things she's supposed to hate. As of today, she's on an anti-anxiety drug which will not only soothe her inner beast, but cure another potential medical issue we suspect she has. Cross your fingers.

So, my house smells like a grandmother's blanket box, just in time for my full moon, Friday night, Groundhog Day birthday hen party tomorrow night. Yup, 'tis my birthday.

Metro is busy himself, every Thursday, Friday & Saturday for the month -- in a local production of Barefoot in the Park. (Which is why I'm having a hen party, 'cause he won't be around.)

And, I've got work starting. Two projects starting next week -- coordinating a study tour from Japan arriving at Okanagan College in March, and yes, helping out with the 5th Annual Penticton Children's Festival. I got the gig!

Plus, it's time for me to ramp up the Farmers' Market for the new season. Marketing plans, vendor applications, the AGM.

So, the point of this post, is that I've been doing my research. Online planning software, productivity aids, and the like. I seem to have joined the Web2.0 revolution. The plan being that I will have the tools at my disposal to ensure that I don't miss anything, that I've streamlined my daily work.

Yeah. Right. I'm just playing with a whole bunch of new toys. Here, check them out:
Wish me luck, and an end to procrastination.



Norlinda said...

Sounds like you've got your hands full. Congrats on the gigs and Happy B-Day!

What other potential medical issue does Nabi have?

Sonia said...

Happy belated Bithday! Hope the Hen party was lots of fun!

Lori said...

Since Nabi is still peeing in corners even with the crystals-in-urine issue dealt with, it might have something to do with the (very few) blood cells in her urine, something to do with the lining of the bladder, I believe. Anyway, the solution to that is kitty valium. When I can get it down her gullet, she feels real calm...

I'm definitely looking forward to the changes. I like February.

Thanks! The party was so cool that the women were all exchanging emails & phone numbers, and making noise about doing something like it every month!

lifeflaw said...

Happy belated Birthday. :)